Thursday, December 17, 2009


There were many steps towards keeping peace in the war during the years following WWI. One of these ways was the Leauge of Nations. This was supposed to help gather a leader from each country to discuss and solve any important problems. 2 years later in 1920, there was the Washington Conference. The US, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, and France all decided to put all their battleships under construction, and not build any more for 10 years. Next is the kellogg-Briant Pact which included 62 countries signing an agreement saying they always promised to settle disputes peacefully. These are just a few of peace attempts.

WWII started for many reasons. The first was when Mussolini came to power in Italy. Large amounts of money went to the army/navy/air force. Opposers of him were jailed or killed. Another huge reason was when Hitler came to power in Germany. He and his followers promised Germany for land back as well as changes. Hitler also went against the Treaty of Versailles. All of this rule breaking and dangerous activity it was very easy to start a war.

After 1941 (2 years later) I see the war being a mess. Germans would completely control Russia, as well as the whole Northern Hempisphere. There would also be many more concentration camps. Japan would be controlled by Germany. The entire Kellog-Briant Pact will be broken completely. Stalin would also become a very large figure.

Yes because too much damage is being done. It would be wrong for us to not save what is left of our allies, and a lot of other countries. If we didn't step in we could be pulled under next. Someome had to stop Germanies power trips. I strongly agree the US should enter.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


1. I do not think that our country will ever go through a great depression. This is because our country learned its lesson for the most part about buying stocks without caution. Although some people still invest a lot of money into stocks, the country as a whole doesn't make it a priority to get ahead with money by using stocks.

2. My family would make sacrifices such as giving away our dog, down sizing our home, stop ordering things such as proactive;clothes;things for the kitchen etc. We also would go out for food much less. If my parents lost their jobs I would have to go on school welfare as well as regular welfare.

3.He says that instead of people living on farms struggling, it would be more like everyone sitting in their small home with a small TV using cheap forms of distractions to fill their time.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Part 1:

I think that the producers did a good job depicting the 1920s and Prohibition. The things that they incorporated that were really good was showing the alcohol companies keeping their names and changing to a type of soda company. Also they showed bootlegging and Speaksies which was also very true. They also focused on people making their own alcohol which was very popular as well as mafia refrences. The accuracies definetally outweighed the comedies. The parts that were fake were obviously meant for the comedy aspect of the show (i.e. alcohol in bowling balls, punishment for bootlegging being a catapult). It wasn't meant to be taken seriously which made it easier to pick out real information from fake. I really liked the episode and thought it was helpful and funny.

Part 2:

They should add a scene where it showed all of the Speaksies in the area. The episode portrayed it to be as if there was only one place in town that you could illegally get alcohol when in reality there were so many of them everywhere!

Sunday, September 20, 2009




A furious Chilean mob attacks a group of American soldiers that were on the shore of Valparaiso leaving 2 dead and 17 injured! The U.S put their foot down this time! They forced Chile to pay $75,000 dollars to the families of the soldiers who were hurt or killed! Chile, now seeing America as a strong threat abided and payed the money!
